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7 Things to Include with Your Course or Coaching Program

Having worked with hundreds of clients, I know it can be hard to figure out what to include with your online course or coaching package, especially when you're in the initial creation stages and wanting to ensure you're giving incredible value without overdoing it.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE because I believe quality and integrity are important to the longevity of running any business: You want your coaching/program/service to consist of and be informed by the most relevant and profound resources that deliver results that you're already getting for your clients (or that you KNOW you can get them if you're just starting out.) You also want to add a little extra something that adds more value without overextending yourself energetically or giving too much of your time. You're wanting alchemy.


Alchemy is a transformational process that consists of multiple elements that play and form a magical, almost inexplicable result. Your services combined create alchemy and help your clients get better results, have a profound breakthrough, or reach not just their next level but beyond.


Whether your service or program is just 30-days, 3-months, 6-months or a full year, you want to make it impactful, value laden, and you're wondering what it should all include.

So how can you amplify your client's experience by allowing them to participate or have access to more of the beauty you offer?

Here's some ideas of WHAT to include with your higher value coaching or program container!

Weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one Zoom video or phone calls with YOU.

Let these be mentoring or coaching calls (private or group based on the work you're doing) where your client gets live attention with you and your magic. You get to choose how it happens and when.

Is it beneficial for your clients to talk with you weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly? What creates the most freedom for you AND the best results and impact for them?

Messaging (i.e. Telegram, Voxer, or Whatsapp)

Allow your high-level clients to connect with you throughout their week for all the omg I need support moments that happen! Use Telegram (my personal fave), Voxer, or Whatsapp. Pick the platform you like best!

You can also use programs like Slack or Bandcamp, but I find the other platforms to be more user friendly and easy to access for my clients.


What kind of a welcome-to-the-community gift would be best for your clients to receive? Is it a journal? A water bottle? Champagne? Chocolates? Make it customized and luxurious.

Make it impactful and fun. Make it a delight to receive!

Check out BoxFox for a done-for-you service. Consider small things like postcards and cards or candles for lower investment programs. Have FUN with this idea!

Pre-recorded sessions and meditations

Are there things you could give your clients to improve their work with you? Do you provide guided audio meditations or mantras or affirmations? Maybe there's a pre-recorded video or introduction to the program session you want to add. Whether it's generalized or recorded welcome message specifically for them, this is an added-value!

Courses and recorded programs

Do you have any recorded programs? These could be a GREAT value add for your long term, one-on-one high paying clients. Do you have distilled programs or products you can give them access to? Do you have a several week program they can have as part of the package or a video series? Bundle it up or get creative!

Access to other live programs

Do you have a signature program your clients can have access to as well? Do they get access to it forever or just during your coaching timeline? Clarify this! And remember, sometimes scarcity or limited access isn't a bad thing.

Guest teachers and speakers or support coaching sessions

Is there a skillset that you can have someone else bring to the table alongside you? Copywriting or marketing? Website building or client experience? Is there a guest you could call in to add on to your coaching program?

There are SO many possibilities and variations of what you can include and how. You get to decide and feel into how YOU want to support your amazing clients!

Have more ideas? I'd love to read your comments of how you add value.



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