The best part of running your own business is that you really can do what you want, when you want.
Wanna change how you work? You can.
Take serious time off and down? Yep.
Keep your amazing early bird price up because you want your program to be super affordable to help the right women at the right time? Oh, hell to the yeah.
Today, I decided to do something crazy.
I'm keeping the early bird price for my Rebelle Mastermind. It's just $333 a month - no strings attached - join for a month, three months, or more.
But...this container is capped at 10 women. I want it to be super impactful for you AND the program includes one on one attention. I only have so much capacity - I work 24 hours a week while my kiddo is in daycare.
I only have 6 spots left for fabulous women who are READY to finally make the income they've been craving so they can quit any jobs that aren't awesome.
Each month, you'll get supportive and specific group coaching calls, a private Facebook group for all of your messaging and image sharing and tweaking, and group VOXER (walkie talkie) access to me M-F 9am to 5pm.
Are you ready to have your business actually support you by paying your bills and making 4-figure months?
If it's not a good fit for where you wanna go right now, I'll tell you, and give you an idea of "what to do next".
If it's the right fit at the right time, I'll tell you more about where we might go as a sisterhood team and how I could see us up leveling your biz, together, so you can finally quit any jobs that aren't serving you.
This is my life's work. This is my purpose. This is my passion.
I'm here to empower and liberate you from your day job so you can show up fully and enjoy your life.
Sneak peak at the first month's program schedule below!

XOXO, Emily