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"When you're stressed, that last thing you want is another thing on your plate, taking up time you don't have right? It's counter-intuitive, but the Defuse Your Work-Life (SOS) program is totally worth it! The daily emails were short and sweet.


Putting Emily's suggestions into practice can be done whenever you have time, and however in-depth you want to dive into it. And you can come back to them whenever you need a reminder since they're sitting in your inbox. When I signed up, I was dealing with a lot of issues at work, and it was making me a frazzled, angry mess all the time. All the issues that stressed me out before I did the program are still there.


What this program helped me do was re-frame how I respond. I'm calmer and more prepared mentally to deal with the crazy. No program can magically take away the stress out of life, but you can minimize the impact of those stressors in your life." - Defuse Your Work-life program participant, Kristi



"Emily offers strong, wise, practical coping mechanisms to buttress our efforts to thrive and excel, from home to workaday lives." - Defuse Your Work-life (SOS) program participant, Laura



"Emily is so true to her nature and herself. She is honest and open and teaches me to be the same. Through her work, I am able to learn (through her modeling of best practices) how to be more perfectly aligned with myself and let go of what isn't serving me." - Defuse Your Work-life (SOS) program participant, Krista



“Thankful for Just B Yoga and Emily Dryzga for a beautiful, healing workshop. It really pulled me back from the brink after months of unrelieved anxiety and sadness. All the light and love for reminding of the importance of my much-neglected yoga practice.”



“My militant self-care was attending Emily's ‘Reclaiming Your Wild’ workshop at Just B Yoga and it was wonderful. It was just what I needed. Feeling all the feelings and taking note of the small things I can do to (restore and?) maintain sanity both at work and outside of work."



"Today was the first time in a very long time that I have allowed myself the time and space to let my mind clear. I saw a version of myself that I hope to see more of. But, I know I have to purposefully take those steps to find/be that person again. I think I’m up for the challenge.”



“Thank you for providing a wonderful, thought-provoking workshop.”



“I am committed to integration and continued exploration. Truly, what serves the highest good of one, serves the highest good of all. Thank you, Wildwood Healing Arts, for the potent Sacred Intimacy workshop and cacao ceremony last night!!!”



“But what I think would have helped to hear is that each person’s body is different and that’s OK. That my body’s way of doing something might be different from the way your body does the same thing. I think the first time I heard something like that was in Emily's yoga class a few years ago and it still sticks with me and makes me feel more okay with the way it does things and that it can be strong in it’s own way.”



“Emily is a grounded, present facilitator with whom it is easy to touch both the holy sacred and the wild secular. Thank you for sharing your gifts of joyful interconnection with us, Emily!” ~ Sara V.



“Wildwood healing arts has presented a couple workshops at Align Divine Yoga and I am so grateful to Emily for her strength and powerful space holding, as well as for her deep receptivity and commitment to those that she works with. Emily's workshops have been insightful and have reminded me of the power of connection to myself, others, and the natural world.” ~ Carla S.



“I’ve been to a workshop and yoga session, and found Emily’s refreshingly down-to-earth, accommodating, playful, and lighthearted approach to teaching makes for very worthwhile and fun experiences for all.   Highly recommended!” ~ Frank B



“I want to thank Emily for her workshop I experienced with her at the S.E.E. Gathering. This past week and a half I have been seeing the microcosm within the macrocosm, noticing so many minute details, and the details within the details. And it all makes me see the connection in everything, we are all truly ONE!!! And I'm sending this truth out to the collective, blanketed in love & blessings. ♡☆” ~ Sheri B.


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