In the world of coaching, regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been running your business for some time, doubt can creep in, making any coach feel uncertain about their message, their work, their offerings and more. This puts an immediate halt to connecting with new clients and generating income in your business.
I’ve listed the common fears, doubts, and intrusive thoughts that my clients (and I) have experienced at least one time. Like I said, many of these fears and thoughts will creep in for even the most established, seasoned, and coaches who have real proof that their work changes lives.
Feel free to take what I’ve written and journal on your own version of both the thought and the flipped script.
I’ve also included topic specific sections that are purely affirmations and if you prefer to focus on the topics of “Money”, “Success and Support”, or “Worth and Expertise”.
Thought/fear: I'm moving too slow. I need to build my business faster.
Flipped script: ⫸ I am moving at the right pace for my body, mind, and spirit and it’s all always working out.
There are already soooo many coaches. What could I possibly have to offer?
⫸ There are so many incredible coaches. I am one of them, and I have so much to offer my amazing clients.
The only way to make 6-7 figures as a coach is to be a business coach. I can't possibly make 6-7 figures and have a prosperous and abundant life as a coach/healer/[fill in the blank].
⫸ There are a multitude of ways to make six to seven figures as a business owner, and I get to find my own way through.
⫸ I get to make good money as a women’s empowerment coach.
⫸ I get to make good money as a psychic medium.
⫸ I get to make good money as a sex coach and priestess.
⫸ I get to make good money with empowerment and art.
⫸ I get to make good money doing my own unique work in the world.
I can't do this on my own, especially as a single mom. I need someone else/a man to support me with daily life and finances (Oof, that's a vulnerable shadow to acknowledge). There isn't enough of me to do the work to create the business I want to build, serve my clients and community the way I want to serve, and be committed to being the mom I want to be.
⫸ I’m doing this on my own and in my own way. I’m doing this with the full support of my community (and the Rebelle community too!) I’m doing this with the full support of my business coach. I’m doing this with support from my clients, family, friends and unseen forces that guide, protect and adore me.
⫸ I am fully committed to the version of me that builds a successful business, serves my clients, community and family.
I can’t see success through the weeds and muck and all that I have to do.
⫸ My success is inevitable. My success is happening. My success is guaranteed and is here and now.
It’s not ok to be vulnerable and messy. People are looking for perfection.
⫸ Vulnerability, authenticity and letting it be easy and messy are my superpowers. Being messy and vulnerable makes me more human and relatable to my dream clients. Vulnerability and authenticity call in more clients and more money.
Nobody wants me. Nobody wants to work with me. Nobody wants to listen to me.
⫸ Everyone wants me. Everyone wants some of what I’m serving. Everyone wants to hear what I have to say and share.
⫸ What I have to say and do is powerful, helpful, and useful to so many people.
I don’t know enough yet, I need more training!
⫸ I know enough and have done and learned enough to run a successful business.
⫸ I know enough and I’m always learning more.
⫸ I am enough. I am more than enough. I am amazing and deeply worthy of massive compensation and success.
I can’t actually help people.
⫸ I can help people in so many ways. My work is always helpful to others.
It’s too late, so many other people are doing what I want to do. I should have done it years ago!
It’s never too late to do what I want to do and be who I want to be.
My work isn’t as amazing as I think it is.
⫸ My work is incredible and worthy of massive compensation.
⫸ My work is highly valuable.
⫸ My work is unique and amazing.
People aren’t really going to pay me.
⫸ I am massively well compensated for my beautiful and authentic work in the world.
⫸ People are lining up to pay me.
⫸ People are thinking of buying my programs, services and offers all the time.
⫸ People are buying my offers all the time.
I’m not as amazing as I think I am. It has to be hard and difficult and complicated. (Or generally over thinking and having too many thoughts.)
⫸ It gets to be easy and fun. It gets to be easy and fun. It gets to be easy and fun.
Not trusting yourself.
⫸ I trust myself fully. I am always making the right choices at the right times. I trust myself fully.
There are no clients for me, no one cares about me, who would want to work with me?
⫸ There are plenty of clients for me and everyone. There are so many beautiful people who want to work with me. I have so many incredible dream clients.
I feel lost and confused. I feel like a loser.
⫸ I am always finding my way through. I am consistently making income and impact.
I will never make it, is this even for me? There are more elite coaches.
⫸ There is plenty for everyone and my clients are here for me.
My family and friends don't support me or think it's ridiculous that I want to do the work I feel called to do.
⫸ I am fully supported by the right people, the right friends and family, and have a community to lean on whenever I need support.
I'm not sure what to do and I can't make decisions.
⫸ I make aligned, brilliant decisions. I trust myself to choose the right things at the right time.
It has to be hard. I have to hustle and work my ass off.
⫸ It gets to be easy. I reject the hustle of capitalism and the patriarchy. I choose the rebellious choice of pleasure and ease.
I’ll be rejected if I put myself out there.
⫸ My people love me for being myself. It is safe and nourishing for me to be successful. I am safe and cared for.
I’ll be rejected if I am successful. People will hate me.
⫸ I get to be successful and well loved. I get to be successful and liked. I get to be successful, powerful and kind. I get to be authentically me and well loved.
I don’t actually know what the f*ck I’m doing. I’m a fraud.
⫸ Most people feel like they don’t know WTF they’re doing, but I know what I’m doing. And in the moments when I’m unsure, I’ll figure it out. I’ll figure it all out as I go. I hire the right support to help me figure out what I’m doing.
If I do create financial abundance and wealth, and don’t work my ass off to keep it, it will all go away.
⫸ I am constantly holding and expanding my capacity for financial wealth and abundance. Money is safe with me. I get to relax, chill and find ease while making good money.
If I make boatloads of $$, I’ll lose track of what’s really important to me and be an asshole.
⫸ I get to make a ton of money being a master of my niche and be a good person. I get to make oodles of money and be fully myself. Making money increasing my ability to support beautiful projects in the world. I get to make lots of money.
How long will my success take? Should I even take the first step? Am I being too naïve believing I can do this and be successful?
⫸ Everything is happening in the right timing. Everything is happening for me.
⫸ I am the expert in the work that I do. I fully step into my power as the owner of my own business and work. I am the most qualified person to do the work I am doing.
⫸ I'm still easing into this "it can be this easy" some days I wanna do more than I need just because I’m not used to things being this easy.
⫸ It gets to be easy, fun and pleasurable. I get to make lots of money and have it feel good and easy.
I’m going to repeat my past. My ideas will flop. My launches will probably fail. I’ll mess things up… again.
⫸ I am constantly learning new things and making my business and launches better and better. It’s only up from here. Everything is getting better and better.
There are a multitude of ways to make six to seven figures as a business owner and I get to find my own way through.
I get to make good money as a women’s empowerment coach.
I get to make good money as a psychic medium.
I get to make good money as a sex coach.
I get to make good money as a health coach.
I get to make good money as a shaman, witch or priestess.
I get to make good money with empowerment and art.
I get to make good money doing my own unique work in the world.
My work is incredible and worthy of massive compensation.
My work is highly valuable.
I am massively well compensated for my beautiful, authentic work in the world.
People are lining up to pay me.
People are thinking of buying my programs, services and offers all the time.
People are buying my offers all the time.
I am constantly holding more financial wealth and abundance.
Money is safe with me.
I get to relax, chill and find ease while making good money.
I get to make a ton of money and be a good person.
I get to make oodles of money and be fully myself.
Making money increases my ability to support beautiful projects in the world.
I get to make lots of money and have it feel good and easy.
I’m doing this on my own and my way. I’m doing this with the full support of the Rebelle community.
I’m doing this with the full support of my business coach, Emily.
I’m doing this with support from my clients, family, friends and unseen forces that guide, protect and adore me.
I am fully committed to the version of me that builds a successful business, serves my clients, community and family.
There are so many incredible coaches/healers, I am one of them, and I have so much to offer my amazing clients.
My success is inevitable.
My success is happening.
My success is guaranteed and is here and now.
I am consistently making income and impact.
I am fully supported by the right friends, family and community always.
I am moving at the right pace for my body, mind and spirit and it’s all always working.
I make fast, brilliant decisions. I trust myself to choose the right things at the right time.
My people love me for being myself.
It is safe and nourishing for me to be successful.
I get to be successful and well loved by my people. I get to be successful and liked.
I get to be successful, powerful and kind.
I get to be authentically me and well loved.
Vulnerability, authenticity and letting it be easy and messy are my superpowers.
Being messy and vulnerable makes me more human and relatable to my dream clients.
Vulnerability and authenticity call in more clients and more money.
Everyone wants me. Everyone wants some of what I’m serving. Everyone wants to hear what I have to say and share.
What I have to say and do is powerful, helpful and useful to so many people.
I know enough and have done and learned enough to run a successful business.
I know enough and I’m always learning more.
I am more than enough.
I am amazing and deeply worthy of massive compensation and success.
My work is always helpful to others.
It’s never too late to do what I want to do and be who I want to be.
My work is unique and amazing.
It gets to be easy and fun.
I trust myself fully.
I am always making the right choices at the right times.
There are plenty of clients for me and everyone.
There are so many beautiful people who want to work with me.
I have so many incredible dream clients.
I am always finding my way through.
There is plenty for everyone and my clients are here for me.
It gets to be easy.
I reject the hustle of capitalism and the patriarchy - I choose the rebellious choice of pleasure and ease.
I know what I’m doing, I’ll figure it out as I go.
I hire the right support to help me figure out what I’m doing.
I am always fully supported in doing my work.
Everything is happening in the right timing. Everything is happening for me.
I am the expert in the work that I do.
I fully step into my power as the owner of my own business and work.
I am the most qualified person to do the work I am doing.
It gets to be easy, fun and pleasurable.
I am constantly learning new things and making my business and launches better and better.
It’s only up from here.
Everything is getting better and better.