In 2022, I was up-leveling my business, brand, and receiving support in ways that pushed me.
I'm a Questioner, Manifesting Generator, LEO sun/Scorpio rising/Pisces Moon, ENFP THE Campaigner, Enneagram 2.
I make fast decisions, and I trust them deeply as a certified psychic intuitive.
I was about to quantum leap (cliché I know) my business. As I did, I felt vulnerable, raw, and messy – and I want share what the process was like for me because most of my clients, students, and mastermind members struggle with being ‘too much’ when they’re up-leveling too.
In December, after hiring a brand and web designer, I flew to Austin, Texas, for a professional photoshoot with her – it blew my mind. She took over 3,000 pictures. It was insane. I felt way, way too much. It was beyond perfect.
Over several months, she meticulously crafted and up-leveled my brand and my pages on my website. It was a lot a lot.
I went right from launching CEO Enchantress™ and supporting all 32 women who signed up for it. I also launched the Rebelle Mastermind for the 5th time...only it wasn't the same.
I started getting a pull only a month before the mastermind launch that something was different. Something was changing.
I knew I was playing too small.
I kept feeling that familiar sensation of "I’m too much".
Who am I to be so bright and big and shiny?
Who am I to step into this work and be so bold?
Who am I to launch and sell out and sell more and have EVERYTHING I want?
Am I allowed?
Do I dare?
Do I get to?
So, I finally invested in yet another incredible mentor, but this one focused on living bold and courageous and being way, way too much.
⫸ I decided to remove the extra “support coaching” as part of my Mastermind offering. Not because having an additional coach to support the members wasn't valuable AF (it was), but because I wanted the juice in that program to be all me and mine and intimate AF and support every member every step of the way. In every way.
⫸ I also doubled the price, because the investment was going to be worth it. (Eight women had said yes and signed up, and that was days before the doors closed.)
⫸ I then took a trip to Miami for a VIP Day when I also released the Rich Witch Guide to the Universe that included my favorite ritual in a workbook format.
Everything was so good and SO fun.
Within two days of rolling out the guide, I sold more Rebelle Mastermind spots and in the quickest amount of time than I ever had previously.
It blew my own mind.
The women who were saying YES to themselves and the support in that round were so wild, witchy, wonderful and incredible.
I knew it was the right time.
It was the right time...
⫸ To play big
⫸ To be too much
⫸ To get messy and create intimate attention in everything I do
So here I was in the middle of the rebrand...
The expansion.
The up level.
The cringe worthy exciting quantum leaps.
The “too much” wild woman, witch, priestess and heroine of her own story.
And I'm here to remind you and everyone who's afraid of expanding and up-leveling that...
You get to have everything you want.
You get to have an incredible business that helps other people and lights you up and makes you rich too.
I'm here to help you get it! You can check out the Rebelle Mastermind here, join The Rebelle for FREE here or learn how to work with me here.